Depending on the study you read, erectile dysfunction (or ED) affects anywhere up to 76.5% of the global population of men. Needless to say, it’s important to have a conversation about this sexual dysfunction which affects so many people with penises. Especially when so much of our society still positions the penis at the centre of sex.


So, what exactly is erectile dysfunction?

According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (better known as DSM-5). Erectile dysfunction is clinically defined as the recurrent inability to achieve an erection, the inability to maintain an adequate erection, and/or a noticeable decrease in erectile rigidity during partner sexual activity. In order to meet the diagnostic criteria, these symptoms must have persisted for at least six months and must have occurred on at least 75% of occasions.

ED has many possible causes. For example, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and diabetes are the two most common medical causes while obesity, diseases of the nervous system and surgery can also have an effect.

Hormone imbalances, like low testosterone, as well as the side effects of medications, such as those used to treat high blood pressure, depression and anxiety can also cause difficulty when it comes to sexual “performance”.


Erectile dysfunction vs. erectile disappointment

The term erectile dysfunction is often misuse in an everyday context by people who are actually describing erectile disappointment. That is to say, many people with penises who believe they are experiencing ED can’t necessarily be clinically diagnosed as such. Instead, they may just be disappointed with how their penis is functioning.

Unfortunately, many people have unrealistic expectations regarding penises due to inadequate sex education. There is an expectation that penises should get and remain erect on-demand as desired, for as long as needed. However, it is totally normal for a penis’ firmness to wax and wane throughout a sexual encounter.

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How to stimulate someone with erectile dysfunction

If you or your partner are having trouble getting and maintaining an erection, try gently massaging and fondling the flaccid penis.

Even though it isn’t erect, a penis can still feel pleasure. With a bit of lube or massage oil, try rolling the penis in between your hands and rhythmically squeezing it, applying gentle pressure with your fingers, almost like a shiatsu style massage.

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Erectile dysfunction treatments you can try at home

Diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors can also impact sexual health and erection strength. Try cutting back on alcohol and cigarettes while consuming more dark, leafy, green vegetables. Doing some light to moderate cardio a couple of times a week can also be great for blood flow and heart health, both of which are important for healthy erections.

Whether it is erectile dysfunction or disappointment, having difficulty getting or maintaining an erection can feel embarrassing and emasculating. Be kind to yourself and be mindful of any unrealistic expectations you may have on your body.

Remember, there are plenty of non-invasive, non-medical options to try which can certainly help improve your erection quality however, if it seems as though there may be an underlying issue or the problem persists, speak to your GP.